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    QextSerialEnumerator Class Reference

    The QextSerialEnumerator class provides list of ports available in the system. More...

        #include <QextSerialEnumerator>

    Inherits: QObject.

    Public Functions

    QextSerialEnumerator ( QObject * parent = 0 )
    ~QextSerialEnumerator ()
    void setUpNotifications ()


    void deviceDiscovered ( const QextPortInfo & info )
    void deviceRemoved ( const QextPortInfo & info )

    Static Public Members

    QList<QextPortInfo> getPorts ()

    Additional Inherited Members

    Detailed Description

    The QextSerialEnumerator class provides list of ports available in the system.


    To poll the system for a list of connected devices, simply use getPorts(). Each QextPortInfo structure will populated with information about the corresponding device.


        QList<QextPortInfo> ports = QextSerialEnumerator::getPorts();
        foreach (QextPortInfo port, ports) {
            // inspect port...

    To enable event-driven notification of device connection events, first call setUpNotifications() and then connect to the deviceDiscovered() and deviceRemoved() signals. Event-driven behavior is currently available only on Windows and OS X.


        QextSerialEnumerator *enumerator = new QextSerialEnumerator();
        connect(enumerator, SIGNAL(deviceDiscovered(const QextPortInfo &)),
                   myClass, SLOT(onDeviceDiscovered(const QextPortInfo &)));
        connect(enumerator, SIGNAL(deviceRemoved(const QextPortInfo &)),
                   myClass, SLOT(onDeviceRemoved(const QextPortInfo &)));


    Windows implementation is based on Zach Gorman's work from The Code Project (http://www.codeproject.com/system/setupdi.asp).

    OS X implementation, see http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeviceDrivers/Conceptual/AccessingHardware/AH_Finding_Devices/chapter_4_section_2.html

    author Michal Policht, Liam Staskawicz

    Member Function Documentation

    QextSerialEnumerator::QextSerialEnumerator ( QObject * parent = 0 )

    Constructs a QextSerialEnumerator object with the given parent.

    QextSerialEnumerator::~QextSerialEnumerator ()

    Destructs the QextSerialEnumerator object.

    void QextSerialEnumerator::deviceDiscovered ( const QextPortInfo & info ) [signal]

    A new device has been connected to the system.

    setUpNotifications() must be called first to enable event-driven device notifications. Currently only implemented on Windows and OS X.

    info The device that has been discovered.

    void QextSerialEnumerator::deviceRemoved ( const QextPortInfo & info ) [signal]

    A device has been disconnected from the system.

    setUpNotifications() must be called first to enable event-driven device notifications. Currently only implemented on Windows and OS X.

    info The device that was disconnected.

    QList<QextPortInfo> QextSerialEnumerator::getPorts () [static]

    Get list of ports.

    return list of ports currently available in the system.

    void QextSerialEnumerator::setUpNotifications ()

    Enable event-driven notifications of board discovery/removal.

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